Initially inspired by the ancient Japanese art of Kintsukuroi, the art to repair broken ceramics with gold, the Strikes Series was born . We can connect this craft with the thought of the Japanese philosopher Tanizaki, who give valor to the use of object, the fact that you own things which have a history. You cherish not just the fonction of the object but also its meaning. I used the properties of the plaster to reformulate and give a new version of this tradition. Plaster needs
several day to be completely dry. I broke it before it was dry and applied colored ink in the cracks, then glued it back together. In the remaining drying time, the ink is socked into the paster and forms those gradients of color around the crack. It is my way to provide an object which I gave a pre history.
So in comparison to the original Kintsukuroi, my version applied to objects without a real history, but an artificial one.